Wednesday, October 30, 2013

1up migration post IX:"Final judgement"

Mar 22nd 2008 10:56AM

"I'm sad to say I completed the last addition to the Ace Attorney series "Apollo Justice". Things took a turn that was rather surprising towards the end. I won't spoil it for anyone, but seriously I now realize that from the beginning there were serious hints at what was going on. And a most important thing: the cases in this are really more related to each other than ever before in this series. You really feel mid game that it's all part of the same journey and it all has to add so u can figure it all out in the end. The one little problem I had which was not a problem really, but habit, I was used to how sometimes difficult the other games could be, so I kinda felt that this one time it was rather easy. Or maybe after playing the 3 Phoenix Wright game I just got used to the system, who knows? Well, I was tremendously satisfied by it all. I hope this "jurist system" won't just die, the developers might be on to something and I hope in the future they can whip us up some more of that excellence or even wow us with the next ace attorney."

As I've said previously, I haven't played the latest 3DS installment so I don't know if in the end they did stick to the jury system or just to the old one. I'll find out soon enough (unless someone tells me first).

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