Saturday, November 23, 2013

Final 1up migration post :"Skyrim....The End???"

Feb 21st 2012, 3:15PM

"Yesterday I grabbed my courage and decided to bring the fight to Alduin. After weeks of postponing, it was both exhilarating and scary. I have finished all the major quest lines save for the Companions', and really, apart from a few individualized side-quests it feels like there is nothing much left for me than the never-ending "Radiant" quests.
While finishing the main story, i committed two major errors. The first: I went in there with too high a level (65), according to what I read somewhere 35 is the best max limit otherwise it will feel anti-climactic; Second error: I was armed with Merhunes' Razor! Yes, and unluckily, the darn thing activated during the final fight......after 2 hits..... There I was facing the World-Eater himself in epic battle and the Razor activates on the SECOND hit!!!!!!!!! What's worse than the hardest last boss? Well, obviously, it's the easiest.
Now that I'm done, I will end the Companions’ story and beyond that…..there are tons of achievements to get, items to hunt for and dungeons to clear. Along the way I am bound to find some interesting sidequest to keep me busy. In the meantime, I have installed Kingdoms of Amalur, I just hope all the hype is worth it thought I doubt it can ever replace Skyrim in my heart."

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